In the mythical ancient Kungfu circle, an evil guild has risen in power to dominate the once peaceful world. Living under its terror, a group of courageous men and women has gathered to improve their skills to fight against the evil guild and bring justice back to people's lives. Experience the ancient Chinese Kungfu and magic, enjoy the endless beautiful scenery and mythical environment in which you can develop your own character and interact with other real-life and imaginary beings.
In this dangerous world, you will encounter quite a lot of aggressive and ferocious monsters with up to 120 levels. They may attack you with their sharp teeth, iron fists or powerful weapons. It’s the time for you to prove your ability and gain recognition. Just slay them by using your powerful gemmy weapons, splendid XP skills, and supernatural magic...
Four character types to choose from: gallant Trojan, righteous Warrior, unsurpassable Archer, resourceful Taoist, which are customized with unique weapons and skill. Each can access numerous levels and grow in skills and abilities. Trojan is good at two-handed weapon and close combat, Warrior is adept in the use of all kinds of weapons and combat skills, Archer can hit a target in a flash, Taoist specializes in magic, such as casting spell, summoning, blessing, etc.
Beautiful 2D artistic backgrounds and advanced 3D effects bring characters and environments to life. Very nice to play.